Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Okay, here goes...

I've wanted to write this post for a very long time but haven't gotten around to it (story of my life). As I sit here on this "desk day" with nothing better to do, I've decided this post is getting written, dagnabit.

My name is J, and I love trying new things. 

I've been on the online surveys and mystery shopping circuit for several years now and have made giving my opinion a big part of my life (and also a part that earns me free swag and/or a little fun money--if you're interested, ask me how!). I hope I don't become one of those people who feels she needs to blurt out an opinion on every little thing in her day--if I do, someone please punch me--but I enjoy giving feedback on products, places, experiences, etc. It occurred to me that I need to keep track of these things in one place in case anyone cares to hear (/read) my opinion on such things, so that place is going to be here.

That being said, welcome.

If you've stumbled upon this post, I can tell you a few things about me that will give you an idea of the things I plan to review here: I'm a mom, I like shopping, and I enjoy everything from beauty products to techie gadgets. I love checking out new places, and my side job as a mystery shopper has formed me into a bit of a picky customer. Not the "these potatoes aren't the right color; send them back" kind of picky, but the kind who pays close attention how long it takes for someone to greet me after entering a store, or the kind who notices whether or not the server refills my drink promptly. I have been conditioned to remember names, glance stealthily at my watch, and count the number of customers in a store immediately like a savant.

All that to say that I am pretty detail-oriented and give decent reviews. If you're looking for that, then I'm glad you're here, and I look forward to sharing some experiences.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

I miss blogging.

So here I go again. 

In the time since my last entry, I gave birth and watched my baby boy grow at an alarming rate into a toddler; in a few weeks, we'll be celebrating his first birthday, and I still can't believe how quickly the time has passed. 

It's been a year of change, and for a creature of habit such as myself, that's been challenging at times. Just yesterday my summer camp season ended for the year and I said goodbye (with a great deal of difficulty and tears to match) to several graduating staff members who are growing up and moving on, as they all do eventually. 

Even though change and goodbyes can hurt, I'm looking ahead with high hopes for the coming year... And, yes, even the changes it, too, will bring.