Okay, this is not a freebie or a deal, and it doesn't have to do with coupons, but it's awesome nonetheless and I want to share it.
Lunchables is sponsoring a field trip giveaway to 50 classes who are nominated as deserving. Anyone age 6 and up can nominate a class, and any class in 1st-8th grade is eligible.
I teach in a low-income area, and my students don't get too many opportunities to go on field trips outside our immediate area of the state. I did my student teaching at an award-winning school in a more "well-off" area of a larger city, and the students there were always going on trips. The fifth grade (the grade level where I student taught) took all six of its classes on a three-day, two-night trip to an amazing environmental education program at a barrier island; the program was perfectly aligned with SC standards for fifth-grade science, and the kids learned so much firsthand about ecosystems and oceans/landforms. It was an amazing experience both for them and for me. I can think of so many brilliant students at my school in the fifth grade that would be so grateful and so impacted by a trip like this, but I just don't think the funding for such a big trip is available.
There are so many students in my state alone who are currently suffering the consequences of the recession and the subsequent school budget cuts. What a trip like this would mean to them (and to their teachers) at such a time... well, I know it would be something they would never forget.
Please nominate a class you care about. If you can't think of a class, let me know if you'd like the information for the fifth-grade science class I nominated at my school. I figure multiple nominations can't hurt.